Tips to Open Your Pool Yourself

Simplii Pools London: Tips

 With Spring finally here it’s time to think about preparing your pool for swim season. If you opt to open your pool yourself, you can save time and expense. Here are a few tips to get you started!


Algae can start to form in your pool  at around  60°F which is around 16°C. To keep things less complicated its best of you need to start opening your pool before the temperature gets too high. The fall chemicals that were added have since dissipated giving algae a chance to grow so an early start Getting start could save you the extra time and money needed to eliminate algae growth preventing a green pool.


Before opening you need gather all the return fittings, skimmer basket, chlorinators, and cartridges. Maintenance supplies could include like a leaf rake, wall brush, and hose. Storing these together over the winter makes for easier access in the spring. 

You also need to have all the proper chemicals on hand such as algaecide to kill existing algae spores and prevent new algae from forming, shock agents to rid the water of organic matter and metal remover. Stain and scale preventer protects your pool surface and equipment from staining and scaling.

Your local pool and spa shop usually sells Pool Opening Kits from that contains all the necessary chemicals to open your pool. 

Check your filter cartridges for loose cloths or any damages. Cartridges typically last 3-4 seasons. Reduced water flow indicates your cartridge is clogged and should be replaced. Keep a spare set of cartridges for openings, or algae issues.


Before removing the cover:

  • Rake any debris that has collected on top and if needed pump any excess water that has accumulated. Use a submersible pump or siphon using your vacuum hose to get rid of top water. This water is untreated and can be deposited into the city sewer system.

Once your cover has been removed:

  • Clean it with a with a brush and cover cleaner. Store in a plastic container. A wall brush can be used for scrubbing the sides or top of safety covers. Store safety covers with the  mesh bag that was provided with the cover.


  •    Fill the pool to half way up to the skimmer before you start up your system.

  • Brush down the liner with your pool brush and remove any leaves or debris

  •    Remove all plugs including those in water features, and gizmos from the skimmer, and re-install your return fittings, skimmer basket, chlorinator and cartridges.


         When pool is full, re-circulate:

  •     Connect chlorinator

  • Lubricate your o’rings (Unless you did this at pool closing

  •    Prime the pump and start up your equipment

  •   Check for any potential problems and address them immediately to prevent large repairs or replacement costs later

  • Once you’ve added your chemicals, let your pool water circulate for 24-48 hours and then

  • Bring your water in for testing to make sure it’s safe for swimming and for your equipment. Your local pool and spa shop will provide this service. Improper water chemistry can irritate eyes and skin but can also damage your pool lining, and your pool equipment or even void the warranty on your pool equipment. Chemicals you’ll want to have on hand for the season include Shock, PH up and down, stabilizers, enzyme or phosphate remover and algaecide.



Opening your pool can be a big job and you want to do it right the first time. If opening your pool is not something you want to manage yourself, we recommend a pool service such as The Pools Boys (519)-697-6971

Pools require weekly and monthly maintenance to clean out debris, check chemical levels, and check that your equipment is working properly. If you are too busy to keep up with pool maintenance, Pool Boys offers a weekly pool maintenance service to help you keep your pool ready for use throughout the season. 



Poolside Entertaining Tips